Taking Individual IB Courses
Students who do not wish to pursue the full IB Diploma Program may take as many individual IB courses at MVHS as their ability, courseload, and schedule will allow. Students interested in IB courses should let their counselors know as early as possible so that all background requirements are met.
- IB Language & Literature HL (required background: successful completion of honors English 9 and 10)
World Languages (required background: successful completion of previous levels of the target language)
- IB Spanish B SL
- IB Spanish B HL
- IB French B SL
- IB German B SL
- IB Latin SL
Social Studies
- IB History of the Americas HL (required background: Honors World History 2, AP Comparative Government)
- IB Social & Cultural Anthropology SL
- IB Psychology SL
- IB Economics SL
- IB Math Applications and Interpretations SL (required background: successful completion of Algebra 1, Honors Geometry, Honors Algebra 2)
- IB Math Applications and Interpretations HL (required background: all of the above plus Pre-Calculus)
- IB Math Analysis and Approaches HL (same as Math App & Int HL)
- IB Biology HL (required background: successful completion of Honors Biology & Honors Chemistry)
- IB Chemistry HL (required background: successful completion of Honors Biology & Honors Chemistry)
- IB Physics SL (required background: successful completion of Algebra 2)
- IB Environmental Systems SL
- IB Visual Art SL or HL (required background: successful completion of Art 1 and 2)
- IB Theatre Arts SL (required background: successful completion of Drama 1 and 2)
- IB Music SL (required background: concurrent enrollment in band, chorus, or orchestra)
- IB Business Management SL
Last Modified on August 3, 2021