Full DP Academic Requirements
The list below indicates those IB courses currently available at MVHS in each area of study. During the 11th and 12th grade, IB Diploma students must complete one course in each area of study; at least 3 (but no more than 4) must be at Higher Level (HL). The remaining courses are studied at Standard Level (SL).
Studies in Language & Literature
Language & Literature HL (sometimes also called English A or English A1 by universities)
Language Acquisition
Spansh B HL or SL
German B SL
French B SL
Latin SL
Individuals and Societies
History of the Americas HL
Experimental Sciences
Biology HL
Chemistry HL
Physics SL
Math App & Int SL
Math App & Int SL
Math An & App HL
Arts & Electives
Music SL
Visual Arts HL or SL
Theatre SL
Psychology SL (social studies elective)
Social & Cultural Anthropology SL (social studies elective)
Business & Management SL (social studies elective)
Economics SL (social studies elective)
Environmental Systems SL (science elective)
Higher Level (HL) indicates a minimum requirement of 240 instructional hours.
Standard Level (SL) indicates a minimum requirement of 150 instructional hours.