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MVHS IB Seminars

MVHS Pre-IB Seminars


Seminars are offered two times a year to ninth grade students who have been accepted for the full MV IB program in preparation for the IB Diploma Program and 3 times a year to sophomores. These seminars take place during the school day. Students who intend to pursue individual IB courses rather than the IB Diploma Program do not attend these seminars.


IB seminars at MV have the following aims:

Seminar Content

There is a purposeful structure to the MV Honors seminar series. The 9th grade seminars focus mostly on the first two aims listed above — building a strong, positive cohort through team-building activities, and building a foundation in the ideals of the Learner Profile and international-mindedness. Additionally, 9th grade seminars call on students to use critical thinking skills. The 10th grade seminars take a more academic turn to focus on organizational and study skills, research skills (EE preparation), critical thinking skills (ToK preparation) and instruction in the CAS requirements.

Create a positive, mutually-supportive cohort of students who will complete the MV Honors and IB Diploma Program together throughout the 4 years.

Provide MV Honors students with a foundation of knowledge and experience with IB principles and ideals that undergird the IB Diploma Program, such as the IB Learner Profile and international-mindedness.

Begin to introduce MV Honors students to skills and concepts important to the IB Diploma Program Core Requirements: CAS, ToK, and Extended Essay.


Last Modified on August 2, 2021